How the East was won: Al Jazeera - People and power
Though I am personally disappointed and constantly disillusioned by the quality and content of international reporting on what goes on in Sri Lanka, Al Jazeera seems to be trying to get the balance right. In the absence of even the concept of neutrality/independence/non-bias when it comes to many print and electronic media in Sri Lanka, if a source is labeled 'biased' by both parties to the conflict, thats probably the closest it gets to being 'independent'. Though it is sad, this seems to be the reality as far as present day Sri Lanka is concerned.
The following two part video report by Juliana Ruhfus for the People and power programme is about the aftermath of the military offensive in the East of Sri Lanka.
People & Power - How The East Was Won - 26 Aug 07- Part 1
People & Power - How The East Was Won - 26 Aug 07 - Part 2
Source: Al Jazeera English Programmes - How the East was won - Juliana Ruhfus
The following two part video report by Juliana Ruhfus for the People and power programme is about the aftermath of the military offensive in the East of Sri Lanka.
People & Power - How The East Was Won - 26 Aug 07- Part 1
People & Power - How The East Was Won - 26 Aug 07 - Part 2
Source: Al Jazeera English Programmes - How the East was won - Juliana Ruhfus
Hi People,
I'd like to comment on some thing which was said in these clips and is said often; that "Tamils are fighting for freedom against Sinhalese Majority". Not true. It is LTTE rebels who are fighting the Sri Lankan government. In the process innocent people get killed.
I hate this lie, first initiated by the LTTE to push their agenda, being spread and repeated by people who do not get their facts straight.
Well, you can say this report is unbiased but certainly incomplete. There are multiple reasons causing these issues and they cannot be unearthed by interviewing a few people by a foreign media person who has very limited knowledge about the context other than widely circulated incomplete assessments like this very documentary.
You write very well.
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